- BLUE SHEET - Determining the Gap - How do you figure out what should be the overarching goal for your lesson study team? Use the BLUE SHEET to identify the areas where you would like to see your students improve. Remember to do the left column first "Your Ideal." The far right column second "Actual." And then compare the two columns to find "The Gap," which is the center column.
- PINK SHEET - Tool for Planning and Describing Study Lessons - This tool is designed to guide teams of teachers who are working on developing lesson study lessons. Remember that the sections on the PINK SHEET follow the four levels of goals. If it seems repetitious, it is because the questions are the same, but pertain to each specific goal. The MRVED incorporated the work of many lesson study experts into this tool that we use for planning and describing study or research lessons. You can save this document to your computer and type responses directly on the form.
- YELLOW SHEET - Lesson Study Observation and Debriefing Protocol - The YELLOW SHEET was developed to be a guideline for use by lesson study teams during the lesson observation and debriefing process. These guidelines are designed to make lesson observation and debriefing more constructive and efficient. They also help to keep the focus of lesson study on student learning and the effectiveness of the lesson.
- BLANK WORK PLAN - This is a blank copy of the work plan which walks the team through setting the goals, responsibilities, completion dates, etc.